Monographies on Arendt

Die Kontroverse : Hannah Arendt, Eichmann und die Juden
( [Redaktion, F.A. Krummacher])
Nymphenburger, 1964

And the crooked shall be made straight : the Eichmann trial, the Jewish catastrophe, and Hannah Arendt's narrative
(Jacob Robinson)
Jewish Publication Society of America, 1965

Der Begriff der Arbeit bei Hannah Arendt.
(Inantsy-Pap, Elemer von)
Druckerei Ludke, 1967

The political thought of Hannah Arendt
(Margaret Canovan)
Dent, 1974
未来社, 1981

Hannah Arendt, the recovery of the public world
(edited by Melvyn A.Hill)
St. Martin's Press, 1979)
Hannah Arendt : Materialien zu ihrem Werk
(hrsg. v. Adelbert Reif ; [englische Beitr. ubers. v. Heinrich Jelinek])
Europaverl., 1979
Hannah Arendt, Hegel und Marx : Studien zu Fortschritt und Politik
(Hans Erler)
Bohlau, 1979. -- (Bohlau Philosophica ; 5)
Hannah Arendt, the recovery of the public world
(edited by Melvyn A. Hill)
St. Martin's Press, 1979

Into the dark : Hannah Arendt and totalitarianism
(Stephen J. Whitfield ; est.)
Temple University Press, 1980

Hannah Arendt and the search for a new political philosophy
(Bhikhu Parekh)
Macmillan, 1981

Hannah Arendt : for love of the world
(Elisabeth Young-Bruehl)
Yale University Press, 1982, pbk
Human nature under fire : the political philosophy of Hannah Arendt
(Gordon J. Tolle)
University Press of America, 1982

Liberalism and its critics
(edited by Michael J. Sandel)
New York University Press, 1984. -- (Readings in social and political theory)
Hannah Arendt, politics, conscience, evil
(George Kateb)
Rowman & Allanheld, 1984. -- (Philosophy and society)
La pensee politique de Hannah Arendt
(Andre Enegren. -- 1re ed.)
Presses universitaires de France, 1984. -- (Recherches politiques)

Hannah Arendt : eine deutsche Judin im Zeitalter des Totalitarismus
(Friedrich Georg Friedmann. -- Originalausg.)
Piper, 1985. -- (Serie Piper ; Bd. 5201)
The texts of the revolution : Murtaza Mutahhari and Hannah Arendt
(Atsuo Yoshida)
Institute of Middle Eastern Studies, International University of Japan, 1985. -- (Working papers series ; no. 3)

Hanna Arendt : the philosopher in history
(Richard A. Cruz)
UMI Dissertation Information Service, 1986
Hannah Arendt
(Derwent May)
Penguin Books, 1986. -- (Lives of modern women), pbk
Meditations on modern political thought : masculine/feminine themes from Luther to Arendt
(Jean Bethke Elshtain)
Praeger, 1986. -- (Women and politics), pbk

Amor mundi : explorations in the faith and thought of Hannah Arendt /
(edited by James W. Bernauer)
M. Nijhoff, 1987. -- (Martinus Nijhoff philosophy library ; v. 26)(Boston College studies in philosophy ; 7)
Hannah Arendt : mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
(dargestellt von Wolfgang Heuer)
Rowohlt, 1987. -- (Rowohlts Monographien ; 379)
Arendt and Heidegger : being and politics
(Dana richard Villa)
UMI Dissertation Information Service, 1987
La pluralita irrappresentabile : il pensiero politico di Hannah Arendt
(a cura di Roberto Esposito)
QuattroVenti, 1987. -- (Acta philosophica ; 3)
Politics and freedom : human will and action in the thought of Hannah Arendt
(Gabriel Masooane Tlaba)
University Press of America, 1987
Sens commun et modernite chez Hannah Arendt
(Anne-Marie Roviello)
Ousia, 1987. -- (Ousia ; no 17)

Ontologie et politique : actes du colloque Hannah Arendt
(edite par Miguel Abensour ... [et al.])
Tierce, 1989. -- (Litterales ; 2)
Acting and thinking : the political thought of Hannah Arendt
(Leah Bradshaw)
University of Toronto Press, 1989
Hannah Arendt
(compiled by Joan Nordquist)
Reference and Research Services, 1989. -- (Social theory : a bibliographic series ; no. 14)
Hannah Arendt : thinking, judging, freedom
(edited by Gisela T. Kaplan and Clive S. Kessler)
Allen & Unwin, 1989, pbk
Hannah Arendt's philosophy of natality
(Patricia Bowen-Moore ; est.)
St. Martin's Press, 1989
Mind and the body politic
(Elisabeth Young-Bruehl)
Routledge, 1989, pbk
The public realm and the public self : the political theory of Hannah Arendt
(Shiraz Dossa)
Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1989

The realm of humanitas : responses to the writings of Hannah Arendt
(Reuben Garner)
P. Lang, 1990. -- (American university studies ; ser. 5 . Philosophy ; v. 83)
Esistenza e liberta : a partire da Hannah Arendt
(Paolo Flores d'Arcais)
Marietti, 1990. -- (Collana di saggistica ; 45)
Hannah Arendt : Einfuhrung in ihr Werk
(Delbert Barley)
K. Alber, 1990. -- (Kolleg Philosophie)
Une femme de pensee, Hannah Arendt
(Genevieve Even-Granboulan ; preface de Paul Ricoeur)
Anthropos : Diffusion, Economica, 1990
Vier judische Philosophinnen : Rosa Luxemburg, Simone Weil, Edith Stein, Hannah Arendt
(Reiner Wimmer)
Attempto, 1990. -- (Studium generale)
Visible spaces : Hannah Arendt and the German-Jewish experience
(Dagmar Barnouw)
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990. -- (Johns Hopkins Jewish studies)
Die Praxis der Freiheit : Hannah Arendts Anthropologie des Politischen
(Manfred Reist)
Konigshausen & Neumann, c1990

Hannah Arendt : Leben, Werk und Zeit
(Elisabeth Young-Bruehl ; aus dem Amerikanischen von Hans Gunter Holl)
Fischer, 1991, pbk
Nous and logos : philosophical foundations of Hannah Arendt's political theory
(William Paul Wanker)
Garland Pub., 1991.-- (Political theory and political philosophy)
Hannah Arendt : Einfuhrungen in ihr Werk
(Siegbert Wolf)
Haag + Herchen, c1991

Arendt, Camus, and modern rebellion
(Jeffrey C. Isaac)
Yale University Press, 1992, pbk
Hannah Arendt : a reinterpretation of her political thought
(Margaret Canovan)
Cambridge University Press, 1992
Hannah Arendt et la modernite
(coordination scientifique A.-M. Roviello et M. Weyembergh)
Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1992. -- (Annales de l'Institut de philosophie et de sciences morales)
Hannah Arendt zur Einfuhrung
(Karl-Heinz Breier. -- 1. Aufl)
Junius, 1992. -- (Zur Einfuhrung ; 59)
Citizen : personliche Integritat und politisches Handeln : eine Rekonstruktion des politischen Humanismus Hannah Arendts
(Wolfgang Heuer)
Akademie Verlag, c1992
La fille de Thrace et le penseur professionnel : Arendt et Heidegger
(Jacques Taminiaux)
Payot, 1992. -- (Critique de la politique Payot)

Die Zukunft des Politischen : Ausblicke auf Hannah Arendt
(herausgegeben von Peter Kemper. -- Originalausg.)
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1993. -- (Philosophie Fischer ; 11706)
Hannah Arendt : politics, history and citizenship
(Phillip Hansen)
Polity Press, 1993. -- (Key contemporary thinkers), pbk
L'action dans l'oeuvre de Hannah Arendt : du politique a l'ethique
(Alexandre Hubeny)
Larousse, 1993. -- (Selection du Reader's Digest)
Le consensus impossible : le differend entre ethique et politique chez H. Arendt et J. Habermas
(Edouard Delruelle)
Editions Ousia, 1993. -- (Ousia ; no 24)
Libertarer Existentialismus : zur Aktualitat der Theorie von Hannah Arendt
(Paolo Flores d'Arcais ; aus dem Italienischen von Ulrich Hausmann)
Neue Kritik, 1993
The in-between of writing : experience and experiment in Drabble, Duras, and Arendt
(Eleanor Honig Skoller)
University of Michigan Press, 1993
Die Zukunft des politischen : Ausblicke auf Hannah Arendt
(Peter Kemper)
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, c1993
Macht und offentliche Freiheit : Studien zu Hannah Arendt
(Gert Schafer)
Materialis Verlag, 1993
Wiedergewinnung des Politischen : eine Einfuhrung in Hannah Arendts politisches Denken
(Heiner Bielefeldt)
Konigshausen & Neumann, c1993

En torno a Hannah Arendt
(Antich ... [et al.] ; compilacion y direccion Manuel Cruz y Fina Birules)
Centro de Estudios constitucionales, 1994. -- (El Derecho y la justica ; 40)
Frauen in den Kulturwissenschaften : von Lou Andreas-Salome bis Hannah Arendt
(herausgegeben von Barbara Hahn. -- Originalausg)
C.H. Beck, 1994. -- (Beck'sche Reihe ; BsR 1043)
Hannah Arendt
(Ingeborg Nordmann)
Campus, 1994. -- (Reihe Campus ; Bd. 1081 . Einfuhrungen)
Hannah Arendt
(Sylvie Courtine-Denamy)
Belfond, 1994. -- (Les Dossiers Belfond)
Hannah Arendt : critical essays
(edited by Lewis P. Hinchman and Sandra K. Hinchman)
State University of New York Press, 1994.-- (SUNY series in political theory ; Contemporary issues), pbk
Hannah Arendt and the limits of philosophy
(Lisa Jane Disch)
Cornell University Press, 1994
Philosophia : the thought of Rosa Luxemburg, Simone Weil, and Hannah Arendt
(Andrea Nye)
Routledge, 1994
The political philosophy of Hannah Arendt
(Maurizio Passerin d'Entreves)
Routledge, 1994
The political thought of Hannah Arendt
(Michael G. Gottsegen)
State University of New York Press, 1994
Sagen, was ist : zur Aktualitat Hannah Arendts
(Ursula Kubes-Hofmann (Hg.))
Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik, c1994
Hannah Arendts transzendentaler Tatigkeitsbegriff : systematische Rekonstruktion ihrer politischen Philosophie im Blick auf Jaspers und Heidegger
(Martin Braun)
P. Lang, c1994

Contemporary women philosophers : 1900-today
(edited by Mary Ellen Waithe)
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995. -- (A History of women philosophers ; v. 4)
Feminist interpretations of Hannah Arendt
(edited by Bonnie Honig)
Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995. -- (Re-reading the canon)
Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss : German emigres and American political thought after World War II
(edited by Peter Graf Kielmansegg, Horst Mewes, Elisabeth Glaser-Schmidt)
German Historical Institute, 1995. -- (Publications of the German Historical Institute)
Hannah Arendt : Lebensgeschichte einer deutschen Judin
( Alte Synagoge (Hg.) ; Konzeption, Edna Brocke, Gabriele Hannen, Karl-Heinz Klein-Rusteberg ; Gestattung der Ausstellung, Roland Bonn ; Mithilfe, Claudia Konieczek)
Klartext, 1995
Einfuhrung in die politische Philosophie Hannah Arendts
(Achim Wagenknecht)
Tectum Verlag, 1995
Hannah Arendt et Martin Heidegger
(Elzbieta Ettinger ; traduit de l'anglais par Nicolas Guilhot)
Seuil, 1995
みすず書房, 1996

Politique et pensee : colloque Hannah Arendt
Payot & Rivages, 1996-- (Petite bibliotheque Payot ; 289)
Arendt and Heidegger : the fate of the political
(Dana R. Villa)
Princeton University Press, 1996
Hannah Arendt : twenty years later
(edited by Larry May and Jerome Kohn)
MIT Press, 1996. -- (Studies in contemporary German social thought), pbk
Hannah Arendt and the Jewish question
(Richard J. Bernstein)
Polity, 1996
Hannah Arendt und die Berliner Republik : Fragen an das vereinigte Deutschland
(herausgegeben von Bernward Baule)
Aufbau-Verlag, 1996
Hannah Arendt, l'obligee du monde
(Jean-Claude Eslin)
Editions Michalon, 1996. -- (Collection Le Bien commun)
Modernite, democratie et totalitarisme : Simone Weil et Hannah Arendt
(textes reunis et edites par Marina Cedronio)
Klincksieck, 1996. -- (Actes et colloques ; 47)
The reluctant modernism of Hannah Arendt
(Seyla Benhabib)
Sage Publications, 1996. -- (Modernity and political thought ; vol.10)
Theories of tyranny, from Plato to Arendt
(Roger Boesche)
Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996
Trois femmes dans de sombres temps : Edith Stein, Hanah Arendt, Simone Weil ou amor fati, amor mundi
(Sylvie Courtine-Denamy)
Albin Michel, 1996. -- (Bibliotheque Albin Michel)(Idees)
Denken und Handeln als Judin : Hannah Arendts politische Theorie vor 1950
(Iris Pilling)
Lang, c1996
アーレントと現代 : 自由の政治とその展望
岩波書店, 1996

Hannah Arendt -- nach dem Totalitarismus
(Daniel Ganzfried, Sebastian Hefti, Herausgeber)
Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 1997. -- (EVA Wissenschaft)
Hannah Arendt and the meaning of politics
(Craig Calhoun and John McGowan, editors ; afterword by Martin Jay)
University of Minnesota Press, 1997. -- (Contradictions of modernity ; 6), pbk
Le paradoxe comme fondement et horizon du politique chez Hannah Arendt
(Munsya Molomb'Ebebe ; lettre, preface de Jacques Taminiaux)
De Boeck Universite, 1997
The art of being free : taking liberties with Tocqueville, Marx, and Arendt
(Mark Reinhardt)
Cornell University Press, 1997. -- (Contestations)
The political consequences of thinking : gender and Judaism in the work of Hannah Arendt
(Jennifer Ring)
State University of New York Press, 1997. -- (SUNY series in political theory ; Contemporary issues)
Hannah Arendt : an introduction
(John McGowan)
University of Minnesota Press, 1997

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