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This page is maintained by
Gen Nakayama.
Last modified on 21 January 2001.


Monographies on Michel Foucault

Papers on Michel Foucault

Bibliography of Foucault's works written by Mr.Michael Karskens


Texts by Foucault

Plenty of resources regarding Michel Foucault, including the whole text of Foucault's "Discourse and Truth".
What Is Enlightenment?
English translation of Foucault's famous text.
Michel Foucault: The Culture of the Self
You can hear dicourses and discussions recorded on 12th and 19th April 1983 at Berkeley. In English.
Foucault repond a Sartre
Interview (long) with Michel Foucault about J-P.Sartre, in French. Highly recommended. Published on number 46 of Quinzaine Litteraire
Une mise au point de Michel Foucault
A letter of protest from Foucault. He insisted that he did not allow to publish the interview above. Published on number 47 of Quinzaine Litteraire. (in French.)
Attention Foucault!
Radio programs broadcasted during January, 2002 by France Culture. You can hear some of the courses by Michel Foucault and other intervies.

On-line papers on Foucault

Seizing Power: Decadence and Transgression in Foucault and Paglia
Written by James Boros, and listed on PMC 1994/9(Vol.5-1)

History and the Real: Foucault with Lacan (Charles Shepherdson)
Written by Charels Shepherdson, and listed on PMC 1995/1(Vol.5-2)

Halperin, Michel Foucault
Book review on _Michel Foucault_ (Didier eribon). Listed on BMCR

Technology of the Self: Foucault and Internet Discourse
By Alan Aycok

Notes on History of Sexuality
A page of Diotima, which investigates four axes of analysis outlined in _L'usage des plaisirs_.

Zeus and Leda: The Sexuality Wars in Contemporary Classical Scholarship
A page of Diotima, which analyzes the impact of Foucualt's L'usage des plaisirs_. Written by Marilyn Skinner.

The Social Construction of Homosexuality
A paper on Mr. John Thorp, Phoenix 46.1, 1992, p.54-65

Representation represented: Foucault, Velazquez, Descartes
By Mr. M. Foti, on PMC 1996/9(Vol.7-1)

Expose: classification dans Les mots et les choses
By Mr. Olivier DELOBEL

Foucault's Virtual Passion
Review on James Miller's_The Passion of Michel Foucault_.

Considering an Exercise of Self and Justice in the Later Foucault
By Mr. Richard Warfield, Vol. 18, No. 1, Spring 1999 issue of The Carleton University Student Journal of Philosophy

Foucault Pages

Foucault Link
Michel Foucault
Welcome to the world of Michel Foucault

Foucault's Themes

Lambert Dolphins's Library: Sexual Identity and Wholeness in Christ
On Sexuality and Cristianism, by Mr. Dolphin.

Inmates Discuss Foucault
Discussion by inmates of Butner prison in North Carolina. Comments on Foucault's _Surveiller et punir_.