
中山 元


1936, Language, Truth, and Logic, London: Gollancz. (2nd. Edition, 1946.)/吉田夏彦訳、『言語・真理・論理』、岩波書店、1955年
1940, The Foundations of Empirical Knowledge, London: Macmillan./神野慧一郎、中才敏郎、中谷隆雄訳 『経験的知識の基礎』、勁草書房、1991年
1954, Philosophical Essays, London: Macmillan. (Essays on freedom, phenomenalism, basic propositions, utilitarianism, other minds, the past, ontology.)
1957, The conception of probability as a logical relation, in S. Korner, ed., Observation and Interpretation in the Philosophy of Physics, New York, N.Y.: Dover Publications.
1956, The Problem of Knowledge, London: Macmillan./神野慧一郎訳、『知識の哲学』、白水社、1981年
1963, The Concept of a Person and other Essays, London: Macmillan. (Essays on truth, privacy and private languages, laws of nature, the concept of a person, probability.)
1967, Has Austin Refuted the Sense-Data Theory? Synthese vol. Xviii, pp. 117-40. (Reprinted in Ayer 1969).
1968, The Origins of Pragmatism, London: Macmillan.
1969, Metaphysics and Common Sense, London: Macmillan. (Essays on knowledge, man as a subject for science, chance, philosophy and politics, existentialism, metaphysics, and a reply to Austin on sense-data theory.)
1971, Russell and Moore: The Analytical Heritage, London: Macmillan.
1972a, Probability and Evidence, London: Macmillan.
1972b, Bertrand Russell, London: Fontana./吉田夏彦訳、『ラッセル』、岩波書店「岩波現代選書」、1980年
1973, The Central Questions of Philosophy, London: Weidenfeld./竹尾治一郎訳、『哲学の中心問題』、法政大学出版局、1976年
1977, Part of My Life, London: Collins.
1979, Replies, in G. Macdonald, ed., Perception and Identity, London: Macmillan.
1980, Hume, Oxford: Oxford University Press/篠原久訳、『ヒューム』、日本経済評論社、1994年
1982, Philosophy in the Twentieth Century, London: Weidenfeld.
1984, More of My Life, London: Collins.
1984, Freedom and Morality and Other Essays, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
1986, Ludwig Wittgenstein, London: Penguin./信原幸弘訳、『ウィトゲンシュタイン』、みすず書房、2005年
1986, Voltaire, London: Random House/中川信、吉岡真弓訳、『ヴォルテール』、法政大学出版局、1991年
1988, Thomas Paine, London: Martin Secker & Warburg/ 大熊昭信訳、『トマス・ペイン―社会思想家の生涯』、法政大学出版局、1990年
1990, The Meaning of Life and Other Essays, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson


Rogers, Ben A.J. Ayer: A Life, Grove Press, 1999, ISBN 0802116736 (Chapter one and a review by Hilary Spurling, New York Times, December 24, 2000.)
Ted Honderich, Ayer's Philosophy and its Greatness.
Anthony Quinton, Alfred Jules Ayer. Proceedings of the British Academy, 94 (1996), pp. 255-282.
Graham Macdonald, Alfred Jules Ayer, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, May 7, 2005.