ベンサム著 ; 林董譯
信山社出版 2006.8 復刻版 日本立法資料全集 / 芦部信喜 [ほか] 編集, 別巻406
ベンサム原著 ; 島田三郎重譯. 憲法論綱 / ベンサム著 ; 島田三郎閲 ; 佐藤覺四郎譯
信山社出版 2006.7 復刻版 日本立法資料全集 / 芦部信喜 [ほか] 編集, 別巻404
ベヌサム著 ; 何禮之譯
信山社出版 2006.7 復刻版 日本立法資料全集 / 芦部信喜 [ほか] 編集, 別巻405
●『民法論綱』抄録 . 男女同権論 . 婦女法律論
ベンサム著 ; 何礼之訳 . ミル著 ; 深間内基訳 . アモス著 ; 鈴木義宗訳
ゆまに書房 2001.6 復刻 世界女性学基礎文献集成, . 明治大正編||メイジ タイショウヘン ; 第1巻
J. ベンタム著 ; E. デュモン編 ; 長谷川正安訳
勁草書房 1998.5
●ベンサム ; J.S.ミル
中央公論社 1979.10 中公バックス, . 世界の名著||セカイ ノ メイチョ ; 49
●ベンタム [著] . ミル [著] . マルサス [著] ; 堀秀彦 [ほか] 訳
河出書房 1955.5 世界大思想全集, . 社会・宗教・科学思想篇
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●道徳の原理 : 法と功利主義的道徳に就いて
ベンサム[著] ; 堀秀彦譯
銀座出版社 1948.2
●ベンサムの言語論 : 功利主義とプラグマティズム
慶應義塾大学出版会 2017.8
深貝保則, 戒能通弘編
ナカニシヤ出版 2015.2
[ベンサム, リヴィングストン著] ; 西村克彦訳
信山社出版 1998.6 近代刑法の遺産 / 西村克彦訳, 上
●経済思想史 : 社会認識の諸類型
大田一廣 [ほか] 編
名古屋大学出版会 1995.4
八千代出版 1987.7
清水書院 1967.5 Century books, . 人と思想 ; 16
●道徳および立法の原理序論 . 道徳科学の論理 . 初版 人口論
Bentham, Jeremy (1787). Wikisource link to Panopticon or the Inspection-House. Wikisource.
On the Liberty of the Press, and Public Discussion. Hone. 1821.
Schofield, Philip; Pease-Watkin, Catherine; Blamires, Cyprian, eds. (2002). Rights, Representation, and Reform: Nonsense upon Stilts and Other Writings on the French Revolution. Oxford: University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-924863-6.
Bowring, John, ed. (1834). Deontology or, The science of morality. Vol. 1. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman. p. 101.
"Gulphs in Mankind's Career of Prosperity: A Critique of Adam Smith on Interest Rate Restrictions". Econ Journal Watch. Fairfax. 5 (1): 66. Jan 2008.
Bentham, Jeremy (1780). Wikisource link to An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. Wikisource.
Bentham, Jeremy (1776). Wikisource link to A fragment on government. Wikisource. This was an unsparing criticism of some introductory passages relating to political theory in William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England. The book, published anonymously, was well received and credited to some of the greatest minds of the time. Bentham disagreed with Blackstone's defence of judge-made law, his defence of legal fictions, his theological formulation of the doctrine of mixed government, his appeal to a social contract and his use of the vocabulary of natural law. Bentham's "Fragment" was only a small part of a Commentary on the Commentaries, which remained unpublished until the twentieth century.
Crompton, Louis, ed. (2008) [1785]. "Offences Against One's Self:". Journal of Homosexuality. 3 (4): 389?406. doi:10.1300/J082v03n04_07. ISSN 0091-8369.
Wikisource link to Short Review of the Declaration. Wikisource. 1776. An attack on the United States Declaration of Independence.
Bentham, Jeremy (1816). Defence of Usury; shewing the impolicy of the present legal restraints on the terms of pecuniary bargains in a letters to a friend to which is added a letter to Adam Smith, Esq. LL.D. on the discouragement opposed by the above restraints to the progress of inventive industry (3rd ed.). London: Payne & Foss. Bentham wrote a series of thirteen "Letters" addressed to Adam Smith, published in 1787 as Defence of Usury. Bentham's main argument against the restriction is that "projectors" generate positive externalities. G.K. Chesterton identified Bentham's essay on usury as the very beginning of the "modern world". Bentham's arguments were very influential. "Writers of eminence" moved to abolish the restriction, and repeal was achieved in stages and fully achieved in England in 1854. There is little evidence as to Smith's reaction. He did not revise the offending passages in The Wealth of Nations, but Smith made little or no substantial revisions after the third edition of 1784.
Essay on Political Tactics containing six of the Principal Rules proper to be observed by a Political Assembly In the process of a Forming a Decision: with the Reasons on Which They Are Grounded; and a comparative application of them to British and French Practice: Being a Fragment of a larger Work, a sketch of which is subjoined (First ed.). London: T. Payne. 1791.
Bentham, Jeremy (1830). Wikisource link to Emancipate Your Colonies! Addressed to the National Convention of France A° 1793, shewing the uselessness and mischievousness of distant dependencies to an European state. London: Robert Heward. Wikisource.
Anarchical Fallacies; Being an examination of the Declaration of Rights issued during the French Revolution (London ed.). 1796. Retrieved 8 January 2016. An attack on the Declaration of the Rights of Man decreed by the French Revolution, and critique of the natural rights philosophy underlying it.
Traites de legislation civile et penale (1802, edited by Etienne Dumont. 3 vols)
Punishments and Rewards (1811)
Panopticon versus New South Wales: or, the Panopticon Penitentiary System, Compared. Containing, 1. Two Letters to Lord Pelham, Secretary of State, Comparing the two Systems on the Ground of Expediency. 2. Plea for the Constitution: Representing the Illegalities involved in the Penal Colonization System. Anno 1803, printed: now first published (1812)
A Table of the Springs of Action . London: sold by R. Hunter. 1817.
"Swear Not At All" (1817)
Plan of Parliamentary Reform, in the form of Catechism with Reasons for Each Article, with An Introduction shewing the Necessity and the Inadequacy of Moderate Reform. London: R. Hunter, successor to Mr. Johnson. 1817.
Church-of-Englandism and its Catechism Examined: Preceded by the Structures on the Exclusionary System, as pursued in the National Society of Schools: Interspersed with Parallel Views of the English and Scottish Established and Non-Established Churches: And Concluding with Remedies Proposed for Abuses Indicated: and An Examination of the Parliamentary System of Church Reform Lately Pursued, and Still Pursuing: Including the Proposed New Churches. London: Effingham Wilson. 1818.
The Elements of the Art of Packing, as applied to special juries particularly in cases of libel law. London: Effingham Wilson. 1821.
The Influence of Natural Religion upon the Temporal Happiness of Mankind (1822, written with George Grote and published under the pseudonym Philip Beauchamp)
Not Paul But Jesus (1823, published under the pseudonym Gamaliel Smith)
The Book of Fallacies from Unfinished Papers of Jeremy Bentham (First ed.). London: John and H.L. Hunt. 1824.
Dumont, M., ed. (1825). A Treatise on Judicial Evidence Extracted from the Manuscripts of Jeremy Bentham, Esq (1st ed.). London: Baldwin, Cradock, & Joy.
Rationale of Judicial Evidence, specially applied to English Practice, Extracted from the Manuscripts of Jeremy Bentham, Esq. I (First ed.). London: Hunt & Clarke. 1827.