
中山 元


(1843年) 論理学体系 A System of Logic
(1844年) Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy 
(1848年) 経済学原理 Principles of Political Economy 岩波文庫全4巻
(1859年) 自由論 On Liberty 岩波文庫 ISBN 4-00-341166-8/光文社古典新訳文庫 ISBN 4-334-75250-0/日経BPクラシックス ISBN 978-4-8222-4857-4
(1861年) 功利主義論 Utilitarianism 京都大学学術出版会 ISBN 4-87698-981-8
(1861年) 代議制統治論 Considerations on Representative Government 岩波文庫 ISBN 4-00-341169-2
(1869年) 女性の解放 The Subjection of Women 岩波文庫 ISBN 4-00-341167-6
(1873年) ミル自伝 Autobiography 岩波文庫 ISBN 4-00-341168-4/御茶の水書房 ISBN 4-275-01968-7/みすず書房 ISBN 978-4-622-08078-7

著作 原文

"Two Letters on the Measure of Value" 1822 "The Traveller"
"Questions of Population" 1823 "Black Dwarf"
"War Expenditure" 1824 Westminster Review
"Quarterly Review ? Political Economy" 1825 Westminster Review
"Review of Miss Martineau's Tales" 1830 Examiner
"The Spirit of the Age" 1831 Examiner
"Use and Abuse of Political Terms" 1832
"What is Poetry" 1833, 1859
"Rationale of Representation" 1835
"De Tocqueville on Democracy in America [i]" 1835
"State of Society In America" 1836
"Civilization" 1836
"Essay on Bentham" 1838
"Essay on Coleridge" 1840
"Essays On Government" 1840
"De Tocqueville on Democracy in America [ii]" 1840
A System of Logic 1843
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy 1844
"Claims of Labour" 1845 Edinburgh Review
The Principles of Political Economy: with some of their applications to social philosophy 1848
"The Negro Question" 1850 Fraser's Magazine
"Reform of the Civil Service" 1854
Dissertations and Discussions 1859
A Few Words on Non-intervention 1859
On Liberty 1859
'Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform 1859
Considerations on Representative Government 1861
"Centralisation" 1862 Edinburgh Review
"The Contest in America" 1862 Harper's Magazine
Utilitarianism 1863
An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy 1865
Auguste Comte and Positivism 1865
Inaugural Address at St. Andrews Concerning the value of culture 1867
"Speech In Favor of Capital Punishment"[79][80] 1868
England and Ireland 1868
"Thornton on Labor and its Claims" 1869 Fortnightly Review
The Subjection of Women 1869
Chapters and Speeches on the Irish Land Question 1870
Nature, the Utility of Religion, and Theism 1874
Autobiography 1873
Three Essays on Religion 1874
Socialism 1879 Belfords, Clarke & Co.
"Notes on N. W. Senior's Political Economy" 1945 Economica N.S. 12