
中山 元

著作 邦訳

『科学的発見の論理』 1934 (恒星社厚生閣(上下), 1971-72年)
『歴史主義の貧困――社会科学の方法と実践』 1936、1957 (中央公論社, 1961年、新版1978年)
『歴史主義の貧困』(日経BP社:日経BPクラシックス, 2013年)
『開かれた社会とその敵(1) プラトンの呪文』 1945 (未來社, 1980年)
『開かれた社会とその敵(2) 予言の大潮――ヘーゲル, マルクスとその余波』 1945 (未來社, 1980年)
『開かれた宇宙――非決定論の擁護』 1956/57 1982年出版 (岩波書店, 1999年)
『実在論と科学の目的――W・W・バートリー三世編『科学的発見の論理へのポストスクリプト』より』 1956/57 1983年出版 (岩波書店, 2002年)
『推測と反駁――科学的知識の発展』 1963 (法政大学出版局, 1980年)
『果てしなき探求――知的自伝』 1974-76 (岩波書店, 1978年/同時代ライブラリー(上下), 1995年/岩波現代文庫(上下), 2005年)
『客観的知識――進化論的アプローチ』 1976 (木鐸社, 1974年)
『よりよき世界を求めて』 1984 (未來社, 1995年)
『確定性の世界』 1990 (信山社出版, 1995年)
『フレームワークの神話――科学と合理性の擁護』 1994 (未來社, 1998年)

著作 共著

(コンラート・ローレンツ)『未来は開かれている――アルテンベルク対談』(思索社, 1986年)
(ジョン・C・エクルズ)『自我と脳』(思索社, 1986年)
(フランツ・クロイツァー)『開かれた社会-開かれた宇宙――哲学者のライフワークについての対話』(未來社, 1992年)

著作 原文

The Two Fundamental Problems of the Theory of Knowledge, 1930?33 (as a typescript circulating as Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie; as a German book 1979, as English translation 2008), ISBN 0-415-39431-7
The Logic of Scientific Discovery, 1934 (as Logik der Forschung, English translation 1959), ISBN 0-415-27844-9
The Poverty of Historicism, 1936 (private reading at a meeting in Brussels, 1944/45 as a series of journal articles in Econometrica, 1957 a book), ISBN 0-415-06569-0
The Open Society and Its Enemies, 1945 Vol 1 ISBN 0-415-29063-5, Vol 2 ISBN 0-415-29063-5
Quantum Theory and the Schism in Physics, 1956/57 (as privately circulated galley proofs; published as a book 1982), ISBN 0-415-09112-8
The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism, 1956/57 (as privately circulated galley proofs; published as a book 1982), ISBN 0-415-07865-2
Realism and the Aim of Science, 1956/57 (as privately circulated galley proofs; published as a book 1983), ISBN 0-09-151450-9
Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge, 1963, ISBN 0-415-04318-2
Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach, 1972, Rev. ed., 1979, ISBN 0-19-875024-2
Unended Quest: An Intellectual Autobiography, 2002 [1976]. ISBN 0-415-28589-5 (ISBN 0-415-28590-9)
The Self and Its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism (with Sir John C. Eccles), 1977, ISBN 0-415-05898-8
In Search of a Better World, 1984, ISBN 0-415-13548-6
Die Zukunft ist offen (The Future is Open) (with Konrad Lorenz), 1985 (in German), ISBN 3-492-00640-X
A World of Propensities, 1990, ISBN 1-85506-000-0
The Lesson of this Century, (Interviewer: Giancarlo Bosetti, English translation: Patrick Camiller), 1992, ISBN 0-415-12958-3
All life is Problem Solving, 1994, ISBN 0-415-24992-9
The Myth of the Framework: In Defence of Science and Rationality (edited by Mark Amadeus Notturno) 1994. ISBN 0-415-13555-9
Knowledge and the Mind-Body Problem: In Defence of Interaction (edited by Mark Amadeus Notturno) 1994 ISBN 0-415-11504-3
The World of Parmenides, Essays on the Presocratic Enlightenment, 1998, (Edited by Arne F. Petersen with the assistance of Jorgen Mejer), ISBN 0-415-17301-9
After The Open Society, 2008. (Edited by Jeremy Shearmur and Piers Norris Turner, this volume contains a large number of Popper's previously unpublished or uncollected writings on political and social themes.) ISBN 978-0-415-30908-0
Fruhe Schriften, 2006 (Edited by Troels Eggers Hansen, includes Popper's writings and publications from before the Logic, including his previously unpublished thesis, dissertation and journal articles published that relate to the Wiener Schulreform) ISBN 978-3-16-147632-7


Lube, Manfred. Karl R. Popper. Bibliographie 1925?2004. Wissenschaftstheorie, Sozialphilosophie, Logik, Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Naturwissenschaften. Frankfurt/Main etc.: Peter Lang, 2005. 576 pp. (Schriftenreihe der Karl Popper Foundation Klagenfurt.3.) (Current edition)
Gattei, Stefano. Karl Popper's Philosophy of Science. 2009.
Miller, David. Critical Rationalism: A Restatement and Defence. 1994.
David Miller (Ed.). Popper Selections.
Watkins, John W. N.. Science and Scepticism. Preface & Contents. Princeton 1984 (Princeton University Press). ISBN 978-0-09-158010-0
Jarvie, Ian Charles, Karl Milford, David W. Miller, ed. (2006). Karl Popper: A Centenary Assessment, Ashgate.
Volume I: Life and Times, and Values in a World of Facts. Description & Contents.
Volume II: Metaphysics and Epistemology Description & Contents.
Volume III: Science. Description & Contents.
Bailey, Richard, Education in the Open Society: Karl Popper and Schooling. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate 2000. The only book-length examination of Popper's relevance to education.
Bartley, William Warren III. Unfathomed Knowledge, Unmeasured Wealth. La Salle, IL: Open Court Press 1990. A look at Popper and his influence by one of his students.
Berkson, William K., and Wettersten, John. Learning from Error: Karl Popper's Psychology of Learning. La Salle, IL: Open Court 1984
Cornforth, Maurice. (1977): The open philosophy and the open society, 2., (rev.) ed., Lawrence & Wishart, London. ISBN 0-85315-384-1. The fundamental critique from the Marxist standpoint.
Edmonds, D., Eidinow, J. Wittgenstein's Poker. New York: Ecco 2001. A review of the origin of the conflict between Popper and Ludwig Wittgenstein, focused on events leading up to their volatile first encounter at 1946 Cambridge meeting.
Feyerabend, Paul Against Method. London: New Left Books, 1975. A polemical, iconoclastic book by a former colleague of Popper's. Vigorously critical of Popper's rationalist view of science.
Hacohen, M. Karl Popper: The Formative Years, 1902?1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Hickey, J. Thomas. History of the Twentieth-Century Philosophy of Science Book V, Karl Popper And Falsificationist Criticism. www.philsci.com . 1995
Kadvany, John Imre Lakatos and the Guises of Reason. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2001. ISBN 0-8223-2659-0. Explains how Imre Lakatos developed Popper's philosophy into a historicist and critical theory of scientific method.
Keuth, Herbert. The Philosophy of Karl Popper. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. An accurate scholarly overview of Popper's philosophy, ideal for students.
Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962. Central to contemporary philosophy of science is the debate between the followers of Kuhn and Popper on the nature of scientific enquiry. This is the book in which Kuhn's views received their classical statement.
Lakatos, I & Musgrave, A (eds.) (1970), Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge, Cambridge (Cambridge University Press). ISBN 0-521-07826-1
Levinson, Paul, ed. In Pursuit of Truth: Essays on the Philosophy of Karl Popper on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1982. ISBN 0-391-02609-7 A collection of essays on Popper's thought and legacy by a wide range of his followers. With forewords by Isaac Asimov and Helmut Schmidt. Includes an interview with Sir Ernst Gombrich.
Lindh, Allan Goddard (11 November 1993). "Did Popper solve Hume's problem?". Nature. 366 (6451): 105?06. Bibcode:1993Natur.366..105G. doi:10.1038/366105a0.
Magee, Bryan. Popper. London: Fontana, 1977. An elegant introductory text. Very readable, albeit rather uncritical of its subject, by a former Member of Parliament.
Magee, Bryan. Confessions of a Philosopher, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1997. Magee's philosophical autobiography, with a chapter on his relations with Popper. More critical of Popper than in the previous reference.
Maxwell, Nicholas, Karl Popper, Science and Enlightenment, London, UCL Press, 2017. An exposition and development of Popper's philosophy of science and social philosophy, available free online.
Munz, Peter. Beyond Wittgenstein's Poker: New Light on Popper and Wittgenstein Aldershot, Hampshire, UK: Ashgate, 2004. ISBN 0-7546-4016-7. Written by the only living student of both Wittgenstein and Popper, an eyewitness to the famous "poker" incident described above (Edmunds & Eidinow). Attempts to synthesize and reconcile the differences between these two philosophers.
Niemann, Hans-Joachim. Lexikon des Kritischen Rationalismus, (Encyclopaedia of Critical Raionalism), Tubingen (Mohr Siebeck) 2004, ISBN 3-16-148395-2. More than a thousand headwords about critical rationalism, the most important arguments of K.R. Popper and H. Albert, quotations of the original wording. Edition for students in 2006, ISBN 3-16-149158-0.
Notturno, Mark Amadeus. "Objectivity, Rationality, and the Third Realm: Justification and the Grounds of Psychologism". Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, 1985.
Notturno, Mark Amadeus. On Popper. Wadsworth Philosophers Series. 2003. A very comprehensive book on Popper's philosophy by an accomplished Popperian.
Notturno, Mark Amadeus. "Science and the Open Society". New York: CEU Press, 2000.
O'Hear, Anthony. Karl Popper. London: Routledge, 1980. A critical account of Popper's thought, viewed from the perspective of contemporary analytic philosophy.
Parusnikova, Zuzana & Robert S. Cohen (2009). Rethinking Popper. Description and contents. Springer.
Radnitzky, Gerard, Bartley, W. W. III eds. Evolutionary Epistemology, Rationality, and the Sociology of Knowledge. LaSalle, IL: Open Court Press 1987. ISBN 0-8126-9039-7. A strong collection of essays by Popper, Campbell, Munz, Flew, et al., on Popper's epistemology and critical rationalism. Includes a particularly vigorous answer to Rorty's criticisms.
Richmond, Sheldon. Aesthetic Criteria: Gombrich and the Philosophies of Science of Popper and Polanyi. Rodopi, Amsterdam/Atlanta, 1994, 152 pp. ISBN 90-5183-618-X.
Rowbottom, Darrell P. Popper's Critical Rationalism: A Philosophical Investigation. London: Routledge, 2010. A research monograph on Popper's philosophy of science and epistemology. It critiques and develops critical rationalism in light of more recent advances in mainstream philosophy.
Schilpp, Paul A., ed. The Philosophy of Karl Popper. Description and contents. Chicago, IL: Open Court Press, 1974. One of the better contributions to the Library of Living Philosophers series. Contains Popper's intellectual autobiography (v. I, pp. 2?184, also as a 1976 book), a comprehensive range of critical essays, and Popper's responses to them. ISBN 0-87548-141-8 (vol.I). ISBN 0-87548-142-6 (Vol II)
Schroeder-Heister, P. "Popper, Karl Raimund (1902?94)," International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001, pp. 11727?11733. Abstract.
Shearmur, Jeremy. The Political Thought of Karl Popper. London and New York: Routledge, 1996. Study of Popper's political thought by a former assistant of Popper's. Makes use of archive sources and studies the development of Popper's political thought and its inter-connections with his epistemology.
Shearmur, Jeremy (2008). "Karl Popper (1902?1994)". In Hamowy, Ronald. The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE; Cato Institute. pp. 380?81. doi:10.4135/9781412965811.n234. ISBN 978-1-4129-6580-4. LCCN 2008009151. OCLC 750831024.
Stokes, G. Popper: Philosophy, Politics and Scientific Method. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1998. A very comprehensive, balanced study, which focuses largely on the social and political side of Popper's thought.
Stove, D.C., Popper and After: Four Modern Irrationalists. Oxford: Pergamon. 1982. A vigorous attack, especially on Popper's restricting himself to deductive logic.
Tausch, Arno. Towards New Maps of Global Human Values, Based on World Values Survey (6) Data (March 31, 2015). Available at SSRN: doi:10.2139/ssrn.2587626
Thornton, Stephen. "Karl Popper," Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2006.
Weimer, W., Palermo, D., eds. Cognition and the Symbolic Processes. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1982. See Hayek's essay, "The Sensory Order after 25 Years", and "Discussion".
Zippelius, Reinhold, Die experimentierende Methode im Recht, Akademie der Wissenschaften Mainz. ? Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1991, ISBN 3-515-05901-6